
Showing posts from 2015

SOLVED: Can't establish a reliable connection to the server Google play store

A couple of days ago I faced a nasty problem with my Android phone: It was not able to sign in the Google account / store. I thaught it was a temporary issue at Google's servers and I tried a couple of hours later, but nothing changed. I tried some usual things like clearing the cache of some apps, restart the phone and even change my Google account password and I resetted the phone twice to fabrics defaults. Nothing could help. I searched a lot of info on the internet and I found a hint about the hosts file. The hosts file is a computer file used by an operating system to map hostnames to IP addresses . I red that in some phones in the hosts file the adress to is translated to a certain IP address(es). Bang! what if Google changes the IP address for this domain? The first thing I needed to do was to root the phone and gain permissions to open the hosts file. I used Kingo ROOT which is a simple software to root the Android phones. After that, I ...